CLIMB data security policy


One of the use-cases for CLIMB is for the analysis of anonymised genetic data from pathogens isolated from clinical samples. Does the CLIMB committee have a document that outlines the data security measures in place that UK researchers could refer in ethics applications when planning to use CLIMB for data analysis? Is there also an estimate of how likely it is that data could be lost in the event of a partial hardware failure?


The security and acceptable use policy for CLIMB is outlined here. We’re happy to work with people if they need an overview of the likelihood of data loss in the event of a hardware failure for ethics parts of funding applications - please drop me a message with the specifics if this is what you need now.

More broadly, CLIMB was designed to provide computational power to the community to work on datasets for relatively short amounts of time. Our storage systems are designed to be redundant and as resilient as possible to data loss in the event of a hardware failure but, as we don’t back up data, we cannot provide a guarantee that data will be ‘safe’ and recoverable if there is a problem on CLIMB, and users should be sure that data and ongoing work is backed up elsewhere.

All that being said, our future plans include implementing multiple-site replication for important data, which would ensure that copies of data would exist in more than one CLIMB location, increasing data storage redundancy.