Problems installing PhyloPhlAn

I am trying to install PhyloPhlAn ( on a GVL VM “bacterial-genomics” hosted at Swansea. I downloaded the program using the following command:

hg clone

and downloaded the required dependencies (usearch, muscle and FastTree), which I have put in /usr/local/bin/

When I try to run the program using the test data provided (see Example 1 on the PhyloPhlAn website), I get the following error message:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 27, in <module>
    import taxcuration as taxc
  File "taxcuration/", line 8, in <module>
    from scipy import stats
ImportError: No module named scipy

Scipy isn’t listed among the program dependencies, and it seems to be already installed on the VM (v1.0.1). Any suggestions for troubleshooting would be much appreciated!

You’ll definitely need scipy to be able to run PhyloPhlAn.

Please could you try installing scipy with Python2’s pip package manager:

sudo pip2 install scipy

and then trying thePhyloPhlAn command again?

Thanks for the suggestion. I have done so, and am now getting a different error message:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “./”, line 27, in
import taxcuration as taxc
File “/home/ubuntu/programs/phylophlan/taxcuration/”, line 11, in
import pyphlan as circ
File “/home/ubuntu/programs/phylophlan/taxcuration/”, line 1, in
from Bio import Phylo
ImportError: No module named Bio
I wonder if it might be related to the PhyloPhlAn program being in the PATH, similar to previous reported issues?

No, its just another dependency issue I’m afraid.

sudo pip2 install biopython

should get you over that one…

In business now - thank you very much for your help!

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