This is the CLIMB-BIG-DATA users community forum, no longer patrolled by the CLIMB-BIG-DATA team

This forum is for users of the CLIMB-BIG-DATA system and is the place where users can share information and suggestions about the system. It is no longer patrolled by the CLIMB-BIG-DATA team.
We want this space to become a community forum for people to share pipelines, data, experiences etc. with the UK microbiology community and to seek and provide help from other CLIMB-BIG-DATA users.

If you have registered for a CLIMB-BIG-DATA account you will be automatically registered for the site and can login to post.

If you need help from the CLIMB-BIG-DATA team. please open a ticket via Bryn (you’ll find the option to open a ticket at the bottom left of your Bryn interface) or send an email to

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