Error: CPU requests exceeded while running Nextflow pipeline

I’ve just started to run into this error when initializing a nextflow pipeline on a CLIMB Jupyter Notebook. This pipeline was running without throwing this error just yesterday, and I’m not sure what to do. How do you figure out why the CPU request quota is being exceeded? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

ERROR ~ Error executing process > 'bactocap1:trimmomatic (ER21)'

Caused by:
  Request POST /api/v1/namespaces/ns-one-health-rese/pods returned an error code=403

      "kind": "Status",
      "apiVersion": "v1",
      "metadata": {
      "status": "Failure",
      "message": "pods \"nf-85e653a3a000d541471ff31e1500395f\" is forbidden: exceeded quota: quota, requested: requests.cpu=2, used: requests.cpu=13, limited: requests.cpu=14",
      "reason": "Forbidden",
      "details": {
          "name": "nf-85e653a3a000d541471ff31e1500395f",
          "kind": "pods"
      "code": 403

 -- Check '.nextflow.log' file for details


Hi there,
I’m interested too, I’m not super familiar with k8s as executor and the key here is

exceeded quota: quota, requested: requests.cpu=2, used: requests.cpu=13, limited: requests.cpu=14

standard plan gives 6 CPUs for Nextflow I think, so tinkering with the config file will be the key. I tried with success something like this

    withName:'process name' {
        cpus = 6
        memory = 16.GB
        pod = [
        resources: [
            requests: [
                cpu: "6",
                memory: "16Gi"],
            limits: [
                cpu: "6",
                memory: "16Gi"


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